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Adobe AIr 자동 업데이트 기능 끄기

AIr프로젝트를 릴리즈해서 현장에 설치하고 보니 빈번히 일어나는 Air 업데이트 때문에 문제가 생기더라 ;


자꾸 업데이트 창이 떠서 현장에 설치한 프로그램 창을 가려 버리니 고객들은 불만을 ;;;


그리하여 AIr Auto Update 기능을 꺼버렸다.


끄는 방법은 ~

Preventing automatic updates to Adobe AIR

On Windows, add a DWORD value named UpdateDisabled to the HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Policies\Adobe\AIR registry key, and set the value to 1.

On Linux, modify the UpdateDisabled setting in the globalRuntime.conf configuration file in /etc/opt/Adobe\ AIR/. For example, set UpdateDisabled=1 to prevent automatic updates of Adobe AIR.

On Mac OS, create a file named updateDisabled in the /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR directory.

If no setting is present or if the value is set to 0, automatic updates of the runtime are allowed (when required by an AIR application) or when an update becomes available via the background update mechanism. However, users still need system privileges to install to the application’s destination directory.

Even if automatic updates are not prevented through this setting, the user needs to have administrative privileges for automatic updates of the runtime to proceed.


레지스트리  HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Policies\Adobe\AIR 에  DWORD 을 UpdateDisabled로 하나 만들어서 값을 1로 주면 된다. ^^



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